Beautiful pics of Claudia Wells and Kelly Nash feet & legs

Claudia Wells was an American actor, born Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, but was raised within San Francisco CA. Wells became famous after starring in the 1985 film Back to the Future as Jennifer Parker Marty McFly's girlfriend. Wells played the role on Stop the Madness in 1985 the anti-drug music video produced under the Reagan administration. The film featured a number of famous actors, musicians as well as sportsmen. The following year, she appeared as a character in Babies Having Babies, and then played the main role for the role of the main character in Fast Times - a short-lived television series based on the film that made waves in 1982, Fast Times At Ridgemont High. Despite advancing her career on a coveted glide to success as an entertainment star, Claudia was forced to stop acting after she was informed that her mom had cancer. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called Claudia Wells has amassed more than 50 credits on television, film and theater. However, she believes that her true acting career is still ahead of her. Her goal is to find edgy characters that aren't afraid to defy the norm and challenge convention. Claudia Wells manages Armani Wells a clothing boutique designed for men. The website provides more details.

Kelly Nash, an American journalist and broadcaster, is very popular. Kelly is among the most popular personalities in American sports broadcasting. She was born and raised in South Carolina and completed her schooling through Clemson University. After that she attended the University of Miami and obtained a Master's in Broadcast Journalism. Right from her childhood Kelly was aspired to being employed by television networks since she believed the work associated with TV to be exciting and attractive. Following her graduation and a degree, Kelly started her career as a intern for ACC Digital Network. Once her period of training ended, she was transferred onto Fox Sports Florida and later began working at Fox Sports Sun. They worked very hard, and she eventually made it to the top to a job with MLB Network which is one of the most popular sports news channel in America. She co-hosts 'The Rundown', an incredibly popular program that airs on the network. She also enjoys a large audience and stays constantly in contact with them through numerous social media channels.

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